Festivals & Awards
Berlinale 2023 Highlights, Part One: She Came to Me, Blackberry, The Survival of Kindness
A recap of the first half of Berlinale, including new films with Peter Dinklage, Sean Penn, Jay Baruchel, and more.
Jason Gorber is a film journalist and member of the Toronto Film Critics Association. He is the Managing Editor/Chief Film Critic at ThatShelf.com, Metro Morning's film reviewer on CBC Radio, and a regular contributor for POV Magazine. His writing has appeared in Esquire, The Guardian, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, SlashFilm, Screen Anarchy, HighDefDigest, Birth.Movies.Death, IndieWire and more. He has appeared on CTV NewsChannel, CP24, and many other broadcasters. He has been a jury member at the Reykjavik International Film Festival, Regard, Calgary Underground Film Festival, RiverRun Film Festival, TIFF Canada's Top 10, Reel Asian and Fantasia's New Flesh Award. Jason has been a Tomatometer-approved critic for over 20 years.
A recap of the first half of Berlinale, including new films with Peter Dinklage, Sean Penn, Jay Baruchel, and more.
A preview of the Berlinale, which starts tomorrow.
An interview with David Cronenberg, Lea Seydoux, and Viggo Mortensen about their new film, Crimes of the Future.
A recap of our journalist's hits and misses from the 2022 festival.
A dispatch on major Cannes world premieres, including the latest from Agnieszka Smoczynska, Ruben Östlund, and Ali Abbasi.
A dispatch from Cannes on three world premieres about musical legends.
Another diary dispatch from a critic's time at Cannes, including thoughts on new films by George Miller and James Gray.
A recap of the launch of the 2022 fest, including an appearance by Tom Cruise.
A recap of the very unusual 2021 TIFF from a local critic.
A report on three films from Cannes and final feelings on this year's fest.