The 10 Best Fourth of July Releases of the 21st Century
A salute to the musicals, comedies, Marvel sequels and Spielberg films that have made the Independence Day movie season so special this century.
A salute to the musicals, comedies, Marvel sequels and Spielberg films that have made the Independence Day movie season so special this century.
The Chicago Critics Film Festival returns with over two dozen Chicago premieres, along with three anniversary screenings, and incredible special guests. Tickets are already going fast.
What the writers of RogerEbert.com have been watching while being stuck at home.
An article about the first ever Roger Ebert Symposium entitled "Empathy for the Universe" set for Monday, October 1st, in Urbana.
What our TV critic would nominate for Emmys for the 2017-18 season.
A critic considers the death of his father in light of cinema's handling of the end of life.
The best of the 2016-17 TV season in Emmy ballot form.
A preview of what's playing at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival, including some recommendations from what we've seen so far.
Walter Chaw revisits Oliver Stone's 1981 horror film "The Hand" and explores the director's fascination with nightmares and the uncanny.
Picks for the best of the 2013-14 television season, in the form of a Dream Emmy ballot.
Hollywood studios face huge upheavals; why feminists don't get drunk; why 'Homeland' is falling apart; the secret snobbery of JFK's Camelot; decoding critics' favorite 'Simpons' quotes.
Marie writes: Every once in while, I'll see something on the internet that makes me happy I wasn't there in person. Behold the foolish and the brave: standing on one of the islands that appear during the dry season, kayacker's Steve Fisher, Dale Jardine and Sam Drevo, were able to peer over the edge after paddling up to the lip of Victoria Falls; the largest waterfall in the world and which flows between Zambia and Zimbabwe, in Africa. It's 350 feet down and behind them, crocodiles and hippos can reportedly be found in the calmer waters near where they were stood - but then, no guts, no glory, eh? To read more and see additional photos, visit "Daredevil Kayakers paddle up to the precipice of the Victoria Falls" at the DailyMail.
Writer-director-producer David Simon (creator of "The Wire," "Generation Kill," "Treme") has a piece at Salon headlined: "Media's sex obsession is dangerous, destructive," in which he eviscerates Roger Simon (no relation) for his Politico column, "Gen. David Petraeus is dumb, she's dumber." And The Week offers a round-up of trashy "journalistic" misbehavior, " The David Petraeus affair: Why the media's coverage is sexist." I don't know. "Sexist" seems like an understatement. Puerile, snotty, crass, raunchy, snide, scary, onanistic, stupid, instructive, pointless -- it's all those things, too. At the very least.
Marie writes: "let's see what happens if I tickle him with my stick..."(Photo by Daniel Botelho. Click image to enlarge.)
Rarely does a TV show arrive with lower expectations than the annual Emmy Awards telecast. It's a given that the thing will suck. Even so, this year's -- the 64th -- managed to come up short and disappoint. And it wasn't one of those "so bad it's good" campy things you can enjoy making fun of, either. It was more like one of those "so bad it's lousy" things that leave you incredulous and drained of the will to live.
Marie writes: Recently, a fellow artist and friend sent me the following photos featuring amazing glass mosaics. She didn't know who the artists were however - and which set me off on a journey to find out! I confess, the stairs currently continue to thwart me and thus remain a mystery, but I did uncover who created the "glass bottle doorway" and was surprised to learn both its location and the inspiration behind it. (click image.)